Membership Checkout

Membership Level change

You have selected the Kids Class 23/08/21 Pay As You Go membership level.

The price for membership is £5.00.

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Terms and Conditions

1.1 6 WEEKS LATER EATING PLAN AND RECIPE E-BOOK Paul Snowsell of Paul’s Absolute Fitness and Up and Outdoor Fitness is a nutrition advisor and not a fully qualified nutritionist and can only advise you on what foods and drinks you can eat. Paul’s 6 weeks later eating plan and recipe e-book has been created and written by Paul Snowsell. It is a guideline eating plan and is guideline recipes to follow. It has been devised by knowledge and information that has been learnt throughout Paul’s qualifications and courses. If you choose to follow this 6 weeks later eating plan and recipe e-book you are agreeing do so of your own free will and accord, knowingly and voluntarily. When following the company plan you are doing so responsibly with your own guidance and take full responsibility for the effects on your body which you may experience along the way. You MUST consult your doctor before beginning ANY of the Paul Snowsell of Paul’s Absolute Fitness and Up and Outdoor Fitness plans or exercise programs, no exceptions. You MUST consult your doctor/physical therapist immediately in the event or illness or injury and follow their direct advice which could mean stopping the plan altogether. You are using the chosen plan at your own risk and Paul Snowsell of Paul’s Absolute Fitness and Up and Outdoor Fitness is not responsible for any injuries or health problems you may experience or even death as a result of using the 6 weeks later eating plan and recipe e-book. BOOTCAMP CLASSES 1.2 LIABILITY / RISK When following one of Paul Snowsell of Paul’s Absolute Fitness and Up and Outdoor Fitness bootcamp classes, or any bootcamp class by any  other Up and Outdoor Fitness trainer you are doing so responsibly with your own guidance and take full responsibility for the effects on your body which you may experience along the way. As with any exercise program you assume certain risks to your health and safety. Any form of exercise program can cause injuries, and any of the bootcamp classes or exercise programs from Paul Snowsell of Paul’s Absolute Fitness and Up and Outdoor Fitness or any other bootcamp class or exercise program delivered by an Up and Outdoor Fitness trainer is no exception. It is possible that you may become injured doing the exercises in your program, especially if they are done with poor form. If you choose to participate in these risks, you do so of your own free will and accord, knowingly and voluntarily assuming all risks associated with such exercise activities. These risks also exist for those who are currently in good health right now. Paul Snowsell of Paul’s Absolute Fitness and Up and Outdoor Fitness and any other trainer representing Up and Outdoor Fitness does not act as a medical doctor. You MUST consult your doctor before beginning ANY of their bootcamp classes, no exceptions. You MUST consult your doctor/physical therapist immediately in the event or illness or injury and follow their direct advice which could mean stopping the bootcamp classes and exercise programs altogether. You are participating in bootcamp classes at your own risk and Paul Snowsell of Paul’s Absolute Fitness and Up and Outdoor Fitness and any other Up and Outdoor Fitness trainer is not responsible for any injuries or health problems you may experience or even death as a result of following their bootcamp classes or exercise plans. 1.3 ABOUT EXERCISE PROGRAMMES Exercise programmes are designed to improve cardiovascular (heart and lungs) fitness, muscle strength, and endurance as well as flexibility. Programmes may include physical activities such as, running, stretching, lifting weights and using gym equipment/machines. Our Bootcamp classes may involve high intensity interval training (HIIT) circuits, kettlebells, boxing, battle ropes and other exercise equipment or natural equipment such as benches, tyres and logs. Each part of the programme will be fully explained to you, but please ask questions if you are not clear about anything. Please notify the instructor if you feel you should not do a particular exercise for any reason. Exercise programmes contain certain risks such as muscle strains, joint sprains, aches, pains and general discomfort in parts of the body not used to exercise. The programme is designed to minimise these risks, however, if at any time during the exercise programme you feel pain, discomfort or you feel unwell you must stop and inform the instructor immediately. In ticking this box you confirm that you wish to participate in exercise programmes and bootcamp classes and realise that the activities involve an element of risk of injury, and you will take full responsibility for any accident or injury endured whilst participating in personal training sessions, classes, bootcamps or exercise programmes carried out by Paul Snowsell of Pauls Absolute Fitness and Up and Outdoor fitness and any other “Up And Outdoor Fitness” trainer. 1.4 DATA PROTECTION ACT 1998 Paul Snowsell of Paul’s Absolute Fitness And Up and Outdoor Fitness or any other Up and Outdoor Fitness trainer may use your personal information to provide products and associated services you request to administer your account and to contact you for feedback on your use of such products and services. If you provide your email address when you register with us or buy from us, we will not send unsolicited marketing material to you. All information supplied will be held by Paul Snowsell of Paul’s Absolute Fitness and Up and Outdoor Fitness will remain secure and confidential. Your details will only be used for research purposes and will not be passed on to any third parties or used for marketing purposes in accordance with the Data Protection Act 1998. In ticking this box you give your consent to allow us to take your photograph and we have permission to use this for advertising purposes only on our website, social media, posters and flyers 1.5 REFUNDS As a customer of Paul Snowsell of Pauls Absolute Fitness and Up and Outdoor Fitness you are responsible for understanding this when purchasing any product from our site and in the unlikely event of the meals not being to your liking, taste or falling in line with personal circumstance be that lifestyle or financial, this would not warrant a refund. However, we realise that exceptional circumstances can take place with regards to both the character of the product we supply and your personal life. Therefore, we may honor requests for a refund for the following reasons: 1. Product not-as-described and as detailed above in our terms and conditions: such issues should be reported within 3 days from the date the product is received. Clear evidence must be provided proving that the purchased product is not as it is described either on the website and or in our terms and conditions. Complaints which are based merely on the customer's false expectations or wishes are not honored. 2. In the event of serious debilitating illness or injury. Confirmation of this in the form of a doctor's note or medical certificate will need to be provided before consideration. In ticking this box you understand that payment will continue to come out of your my PayPal/ bank account and your membership will continue until you cancel your payment subscription. You also understand that any training sessions that are not used up within the month cannot be carried over to the next month. In signing this form you give your permission to join our mailing system. To be entitled to the money back guarantee system you would firstly need to take the fitness test at the first available session provided after you sign up. (This is so we can clearly measure your results). You would also have to be training for at least 12 weeks with me and this must include at least 3 sessions per week. You will then need to do another fitness test after the 12 weeks to clearly measure your results against your first fitness test. You must also be following my nutritional plan and clearly provide 12 weeks of a written food diary or this can be done on MyFitnessPal. All the above must be clearly completed and followed before you are entitled to receive your money back. By signing this form you are acknowledging that you are only entitled to your money back once all these stages can be proved. 1.6 MERCHANDISE We hold limited stock, especially clothing with specific sizes as we order these from our supplier directly once your payment has been processed. So depending on stock we advise to allow up to 28 days for your item to arrive, but typically 7-14 days. By ticking this box you agree that you may be waiting up to 28 days for your product to arrive. 1.7 COMPLAINTS If you have a serious complaint please contact our Paul Snowsell on I confirm I have fully read and understood the above terms of business and am therefore happy to proceed with my purchase and working with Paul’s Absolute Fitness